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14 February 2023. “Thank you Jeff”

Started by HEN, Feb 14, 2024, 08:31 AM

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As you can see Jeff's message board crashed again!!  Jeff told me if I broke it one more time, I could never play with his toys again. 😬. Thank you Jeff for all your work in keeping this forum up and running.

Nothing new here on the river. Still running one bunger valve wide open, making it impossible to fish anywhere on the lower river. The lake is at 542.81, over 5 feet down from standard pool. I've heard rumors from the park rangers that this summer they are going to pull the lake WAY down, guess that's started??  Lowest it's ever been is 527 so they have about 16 feet to go to get there!!😬😬🥴. At 1/2 half foot a day that's 32 more days!!  Surely not 🤔🤔. I do know that they still haven't repaired the generator gates, so that job still has to be done.

As I noted before the crash, they did stock here and at Albert Pike last week. If you just must get a "fish fix", Albert Pike is your best bet. Not a lot of fish, but you might get a pull on your pole if you can find the pod of fish. 🎣

I'll try to keep you posted if they do happen to shut the bunger valve for a while, you never know what the Corp might decide to do!!!