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15 January 2025 “Stocking update”

Started by HEN, Jan 15, 2025, 03:26 PM

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I was advised by Dillon Hann, District Fisheries Supervisor, that last Wednesday the 8th of January they stocked 870 fish at Albert Pike. They were from the Ouachita Net Pens so I'll bet they are 6 to 8 inch fish. Thank you AGFC!! 

Also the lower Lil' Mo' was stocked this week on high water!!  Again the fish will be scattered all over the river. Don't know any more about the stocking, only that it was done according to Mr. Hann. 🤔.

The lake is currently at 541.66 feet. That's down 7 1/2 feet from where they started at the end of December. That's about right for 15 days of running at about 1/2 foot per day. At this 541 level they will start to get a little more footage each day since the pool is smaller. Still don't have a clue how long (or how low)  they are going to run or when work might begin on the dam.

The good news is with all the snow the water is very cold. It is also fairly clear and thank goodness the river doesn't stink like it did before when they were running the bunger valve!! 

Hopefully they will stop running by the time the trout festival starts at the end of January. By then these fish they have stocked will be bigger and stronger, they will just be hard to find like last time.

Jeff Guerin

Yep! With the snow and cold - and more cold and snow to come - the lake is going to have a very cold core next summer!!! That should help with the conditions if they aren't able to run the generators for a long time later in the year.


Thanks for the report! I might try my luck next week at AP.


The NLFF will be up there this coming weekend.